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June 24, 2009:
Updated to v2.2 minor fixes and adjustments.

The final release includes many styles and layout variations...

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(June 24, 2009)


PathMatrix caters to small, medium, and large labs to manage all their data workflow right at their finger tips. From a single lab to multi labs, PathMatrix Software System allows your lab to run with ease and speed you require and demand.

With unmatched support from a solid software development company, you are in good hands to demand the highest level of releases, updates, and support.

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PathMatrix Software System custom modules allows your company to change requirements as your company changes. Our focus is ease of use, flexibility, scalability, interoperability, and great support with extremely stable software.

Do you need more info?

We are a moments away. Ask any questions you have.

Email us at or call 949-226-0701

Our focus is to build great software, and our goal is to build relationship with you and your staff. If you have comments, something to say, or just wish to address a topic about the software, please let us know.

It is always good to get feedback from our customers so we can help you better the next time. We strive our best to keep response time to a minimum.